- Time: we all have an expiration date; at least in this physical body. Make the most of your allocated time here and now. Do something every day that takes you closer to your Big Picture Vision.
- Health: whether you believe in reincarnation or not, you can only have one body at a time. Take care of your avatar here and now in this spacetime; know your body’s biology, physiology, and chemistry and nurture it well.
- People: your network isn’t just who you know, but also the people who know you and are willing to give you information and valuable resources. Every human being is an asset to your mission. Treat people well and good things will continue to happen to you.
- Experience: natural abilities develop in proportion to the amount of time we put into practicing them. By the same token, past experiences that have been learned or acquired through repetition can also serve us in the marketplace. Make an inventory of your skills and read this article.
- Information: we live in an age where information is very accessible, and even more valuable than ever. If you live in the United States, you can get access to a free library card. If you’re reading this, you have access to the internet. Creative entrepreneurs should value their imagination, their ability to reason, and their memory.
- Gifts: be a Good receiver of all that is given to you by the same token that you’re a good guest in a stranger’s home. Your Breath is a gift to be grateful for; be grateful for water, electricity, a roof over your head, the ability to read, and the tools that are accessible to you, especially if they are gifted to you or when you can access them for an affordable cost.
- Your 2 cents: abundance is not about how much you have; it’s about what you do with it. Spend as if you were the last deciding factor to tip the economic scale to the right side. Invest in yourself as a whole; not just in the sensual pleasures and necessities but also in your personal growth and in making the world a better place. Most importantly, invest boldly and confidently in the tools that will increase your net worth. (Reference: Luke 21:1-4)
BOOTSTRAP (While you invest)